Thursday, July 21, 2011

What is your opinion of the following quote?

In 1971 Nixon also said, "I really should be a liberal since I'm a despicable liar and reprehensible thief."

What eats tadpoles, in a small garden pond?

Predatory birds, fish such as bass, trout, sunfish and carp, raccoons, larvae and the immature young of many water insects, turtles especially snapping turtles, a better question Dent might be what doesn’t eat tadpoles.

Breaking up with your child's father?

hey, this happened to me a year ago with an ex except i wasnt pregnant, i just got up one day and i left because once a cheat always a cheat men like that don't ever change hunny, don't let this litle immature boy stress you an your baby out anymore grab your things and go somewhere nice maybe family members or close friends or get his things whilst hes out and throw them out and lock the doors your a strong woman and you can do so much better than this trust me dont let him do this to you.... good luck hun x

Writers, how well can you write?

I know you said this isn't a query letter, but I honestly advise you to go look at some of the query letter critiquing sites. Most of the things you're suggesting people do here are things that are a complete no-no. Agents and publishers do not care whether your mum's an English teacher or you've been writing for years.

Live-in boyfriend going on vacation without me, should I be worried/upset?

Have his things sittin' outside when he gets back and you holding a real man who doesn't disrespect you.

How to get this creepy guy to leave me alone?

Have a guy talk to him... Like the manager,or get his number and have a boyfriend or something set him straight and he is proably on drugs so dont take it personal

Could my dog have had a skin parasite?

Agree, next time keep the bug and ask the vet clinic to identify it for you. The common parasites are lice and mites. Lice are gray, the nits are white but very tiny. Mites are brown but very tiny. If your dog's not on flea/tick preventive like Frontline Plus, highly recommend it :)